The hamlet of Conklin is the most southern community in the Regional Municipality of Wood Buffalo. It is a quiet, rural community. Christina Lake, which is at the northeastern end of the Hamlet, plays a number of important functions. It provides fish and wildlife habitat, maintains watershed and water quality functions, and provides recreation opportunities. Residents value the rural character of their community.
The lake and its associated tributaries, including the Jackfish River and Birch Creek, are greatly valued by the community. The predominantly Métis population appreciate the lake and its surroundings for their ecological value, cultural significance, and the opportunities they provide for practicing traditional land use, including harvesting berries and culturally important roots and medicines.
Conklin is located in “bitumen alley,” an area characterized by significant oil sands deposits. Oil Sands industry development is occurring in the form of in situ projects in the area.
Commercial facilities in Conklin include a gas bar, a post office, a store and a cafe and lounge. The Conklin Multiplex is a popular recreation facility. Recreational facilities consist of a park and playground, an ice rink, a baseball diamond, and indoor gyms. Institutional uses located at the intersection of Northland Drive and Christina Lake Drive form the basis of the Hamlet’s Community Core. Existing institutional uses include a community centre, elementary school, and volunteer fire department.
Conklin is served by the RMWB rural bus service connecting residents to Fort McMurray.